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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  May 14, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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all of ap phone records, a matter of national security or plane abuse of civil liberties. connell: the irs catching the same amount of heat, congress jobbing at the bit, who was targeted by the government agency and while. dagen: a high cost associated with angelina jolie's life decision, who should follow her lead and who should not? the connell: jack is back. want to make headlines from the network of front? fox resurrecting the big money-making series 24. jack our making a come back. those stories and more on markets now. >> if not successful lose your younger son. >> copy that. >> we are go. connell: you must have been. i was a big 24 and. dagen: initially. no. we have our own jack bauer here.
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connell: we do. mike baker. thought you were talking about monica crowley. dagen: not you. you might have been capable of delivering mail. connell: barely the news. joining us from the stock exchange to talk about this market in the green once again today. the morning. nicole: could be another record-setting day on wall street. as we see up arrows across the board for the dow, the nasdaq and the s&p, the dow getting closer to 15,200. we are up over 1/2%, the s&p 500 is up over 3/4% and the dow and nasdaq composite up 3/4% and the dow jones industrials a majority, three quarters of the names have arrows. whether it is banks or drugs or energy, all of those names in those groups have a up arrows, jpmorgan, merck, microsoft, ge, bowing to name a few of arrows, we have news about china,
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economists cutting their growth forecasts for china but so far so good as we are setting up for another record-setting day on wall street. would be all time highs. connell: late tuesday for whatever reason. dagen: a massive and unprecedented intrusion, the associated press up in arms over a secret subpoena used by the justice department to obtain two months of phone records from the news agency. connell: investigators, a story about a cia operation that's not an al qaeda affiliate in yemen for detonating a bomb on a u.s. bound airliner. reacting to the news house speaker john major's office saying, quote, they better have a damn good explanation. monica crowley is here, fox news contributor and talk-show host mike baker here as well, former cia covert operations, president of diligence, global security firm and bent joins us, director of the aclu speech privacy
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technology project. what do you make of this? >> i second what john boehner's spokesperson said, i hope the attorney general has a damn good explanation and i wonder what it could be. any requests for information from the journalists is an extraordinary event. even if they are justified their justified in the narrowest circumstances. i can't remember a time when there has been this kind of two month request for records, half a dozen reporters or editors, this looks like a big fishing expedition and it was done without any kind of notice to be a piece of there was not even a chance to negotiate with the prosecutors about narrowing it or even go to a judge to work out the dispute. i am waiting to hear how they are going to explain this. dagen: president jack bowers, you can't be against trying to hunt down a week. >> absolutely not. i am conflict on this. been said something important which is narrow focus, narrow
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parameters. absolutely not. you sign up for the responsibility of handling classified information, keep your reaction to the giants to the paddock to the idea of trying to fight a source of leaks and over the last few years the administration is responsible for egregious leak. the unraveling of what was a very import dock operation for us and it came out of the white house. this frustrates me, investigations in washington very difficult but people need to go back and remember what this operation was about. working with liaisons', foreign service partner of ours. we had -- in the arabian peninsula the white house blue that out of the water but with a revealed the information. now the doj pull 20 plus home lines every time you pull the phone records you get those numbers, i have been involved in a lot of investigations, numbers you track down. not just those 20 lines in those numbers but investigate those numbers. if you want to solve that we leave yourself to the white house, get the short list of
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people into that very sensitive operation. and the polygraph, if they refuse to the polygraph you take their clearances away and they walk off. connell: what about the political fallout? and benghazi in the news plus this. dagen: two issues list >> ben and mike touched on the important ones. what authorization did the doj have, how narrow scope or broad scope? this was overly broad and over an extended period of time. eric holder had to authorize it so the question becomes what does the president know about this and when did he know it? may be new nothing. maybe he knew about this operation would the white house claims they didn't. we will see. the other part that was interesting was what mike was talking about was the national security angle in light of benghazi because the core nature of the story in may that the ap rep and that prompted this was a story about this terror attackss
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originating out of yemen and sullen. the benghazi cover-up, the white house last year running for reelection didn't want any stories about al qaeda being offended or any argument that would go against their argument that al qaeda was on the run and being decimated so when you put these things together it may paint a broader picture that could be a lot more damaging to president obama. dagen: you are clearly upset about the breadth of secrecy on the people targeted. we -- what do you want done about it from here? >> we need an explanation. as monica said and did the department of justice regulations requests for information from or about journalists has to be approved by the attorney general, needs to be narrow. what their explanation is, second, the ap itself requested, the government now has two months of phone records from half a dozen journalists and editors. that includes everyone they called and who called from home funds or work phones.
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that needs to be minimized and mitigated. they shouldn't be holding on to the information. we are not talking about just any reporters here. we are talking two of the ap's leading investigative journalists at the department of justice has a picture of their activities over a two month period. connell: a question on national security we were talking about because been picks up the point lot of people have that it is more when you get this information you add more than what they ask for. >> concentric circles, keeps expanding. when you get one piece of information that leads you to a lot of other eager phone-number door contacts. you broaden the investigation. connell: civil liberties. >> various concerns. i keep going back to the same thing. i understand about we think this was they wanted to suppress this will. that is the wrong approach. the white house in may of last year somebody in the white house released the story being of to the election season because they were releasing a lot of information on our action jackson they were in the war on terror.
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this information i suspect was a short list of people who knew about the operation, came from one of those individuals who didn't have an understanding of the imports of the operation from a clandestine point of view, i think was in the white house. >> it is interrelated. in the bush years summit counterterrorism policies were leaked and splashed all over the front pages of the new york times, usa today, washington post. those reporters were never investigated by president bush. he was horrified. a couple examples on rendition where the president of the united states directly call the newspapers and begged them not to print it. a printed those stories, extremely damaging to our national security. publish team did not investigate. connell: a crazy week and other things to get to. dagen: good to see you. modern day jack bowers, that is a compliment. ben weiner, thank you for being here. connell: a lot more to talk about.
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let's get to the irs scandal. stephen miller admitted, quote, mistakes were made. he will appear before the house ways and means committee, the first hearing on this, lawmakers want to know why the irs objected the applications of conservative groups for non-profit status to tougher scrutiny, something the agency has admitted to. dagen: a bigger problem is not just steve miller know about it last year but douglas schuman, the former commissioner of the irs and republican lawmakers were not getting answers or being told what they knew. republican congressman buchanan of florida wrote a letter to treasury secretary jack lew demanding a full account of those responsible for the irs's gross abuse of power from the canyon along with monica crowley still here. congressman, what do you want to come out of this? doug shoen is no longer the commission. how many heads they want to rule? >> they need to roll quickly to restore the government. the bottom line they are targeting american citizens. we want to take that very
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seriously because the irs has the power to destroy businesses and people's life. you cannot be in a situation where people criticized their government and they send the irs after you. this wasn't a problem, it is a problem. connell: the timing of all this heads need to roll quickly after the president's commentary we need to wait for the full report. now that we know the acting commissioner, former commissioner, they knew about it in may of 2012, we don't need the full report, we don't need to wait for the hearing friday and all that to know. >> i wouldn't be surprised if some people got fired today or tomorrow. anybody involved in this needs to be clearly fired. we are going to have a full committee hearing which i am apart of as a member in florida. we have a full committee hearing friday and we will hear a lot more but this isn't something to take a normal process. we got to deal with this aggressively and right now. dagen: we still don't know how all this got started, the targeting of these conservative
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groups. >> but again no matter how it got targeted you are targeting americans. you just can't let this run over a a period of time. this has got to be addressed and take a look at who is involved in this. the irs is the most your organization in washington. they have enormous power to intimidate people and take advantage of circumstances. connell: there are stories of the little girl targeting in the past under different administrations we talked about yesterday. going way back. dagen: the kennedy administration, johnson administration and article ii of the articles of impeachment drawn up against president nixon who resigned before they could be applied was miss use of the internal revenue service. the congressman is right, the most feared agency in america because the power to tax is the power to destroy. this is one of the most dangerous things that can happen in the united states of america. further investigation needs to happen because we have seen a
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culture of corruption. barack obama, i am not suggesting he knew anything about this but he came out of this tradition of demonizing opponents that this would fit right into that culture. connell: you think we ought to fire now? or weight? >> enough to go forward with hearings and further investigation but we have to see where did is originate? dagen: almost looks at least for lack of a better phrase cover-up part of it. doug schulman was the george bush appointee and he testified initially he didn't know anything about the targeting, he was informed in may of last year about it and steve miller was in communication with some gop lawmakers after he was aware of the targeting and never disclosed. >> what did they know and when did they know it. the original iteration of the story a couple days ago was low-level employees in cincinnati. now we see the washington post, washington d.c. and the headquarters of the question is how far up the ago and where did
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your come from? connell: congressman? >> i don't think we can go through a normal process. we need to look at this quickly. you have to have the ability as an american to criticize your government without retribution here. we need to look at that. the next couple days we need to be firing some people in terms of the irs. connell: we will watch for you at the hearing friday. thanks to both of you. dagen: jon stewart did something funny last night. when the head of the tax exempt apologized on friday he was like yes, we are allowed to apologize to the irs. connell: an apology. dagen: who would one jay carney's job? the press secretary and the the gun with the stories we just talked about, throw in benghazi and he is on the hot seat. connell: the bloomberg news snipping scandal, the white
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house has the bloomberg terminology, a few of them. everybody is involved, the federal reserve, the white house, wall street firms, the latest from elizabeth macdonald. dagen: it is going global, hong kong, japan, brazil, europe, angelina jolie's life decision, double mastectomy to avoid getting breast cancer. the costs associated with it and is the risk too high for all women? we will check into that. for seeing your business in a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow- last week, this month, and evenext year.
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we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day afr day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] e pill eachmorning. 24 hours. zero heartbur dagen: stocks right now, nicole calling for a shake-up at sony. nicole: over at third point, let's break it down. year to date it is a winner, 84%. it is up nearly 10% on the day
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because the billionaire hedge fund as we noted looking to spin off the lucrative entertainment arm. he is an activist investor, seeing stock moving on this news. sony has been selling off real estate. other assets to balance the losses they have been seeing on consumer electronics. the ceo of the company says the entertainment business, the core of the long term vision, calling the entertainment business the hidden gem of this business so we are watching sony, heavily traded today, seventeen million shares trading today well above the average daily volume we have been seeing and up 10%. connell: let's talk about bloomberg, the ceo of bloomberg taking a hit, financial times reporting bloomberg leaked on the internet more than 10,000 private messages sent between wall street traders and clients.
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dagen: here is liz macdonald and the bottom line. what is going diane: liz: the financial times reporting more than 10,000 messages were accidentally leaked by bloomberg on to the internet and apparently these messages stood out there on the internet for several years, messages between big wall street banks, traders said those banks that places like jpmorgan chase, goldman sachs, hsbc and the client's. here's the information that was leaked, users, traders e-mail addresses, bonds, credit default swaps and other financial products, 10 -- confidential price info and trading activities. what is happening is bloomberg is saying this was the data mining project launched by a former employee that basically wanted to improve the pricing information on the products, accidentally leaked out a search on google discovered these
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messages and they -- bloomberg is coming back to fox business with this statement. let's look at what bloomberg is saying in response, if this report is true these messages would only have been collected in cooperation with clients to improve our technology for the clients. that is the position bloomberg is taking right now. they are also saying we would consider legal action on this matter if we discover it happened as reported. this is an interesting story that is still unfolding on the heels of the snooping allegations made against bloomberg news. as you noted earlier the bank of japan is complaining about that along with the ecb, germany's central bank, possibly the hong kong monetary authority and this incident took place in and around the same time the leakage of the e-mail pointed out and conduct internal testing to improve technology and information we saw to clients,
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this is accidental. gerri: not going away, bloomberg. connell: in addition to what we just talked about the white house press secretary, goodness gracious, jay carney had some tough days with all the stories, we talked about the stories, we will get into that coming up. dagen: the return of 24, a big upfront season for the major networks. more on that straight ahead. everyone's retirement dream is different; how we get there is not. we're americans. we work. we plan. ameriprise advisors can help you like they've helped millions of others. to help you retire your way, with nfiden. ♪ that's what ameriprise financial does.
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that's what they can do with you. let's get to work. ameriprise financial. more within reach.
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>> 20 minutes past the hour your fox news minute. and u.s. soldiers were killed in roadside explosions in southern afghanistan. soldiers were in a vehicle on patrol in canada are as part of the international security assistance force. in moscow russian security forces, u.s. diplomat accused him of working for the cia. ryan vogel, u.s. embassy employee was held overnight and had to go to the u.s. embassy. russian officials claim they caught him trying to recruit a russian agent. no comment from the u.s. embassy. and the latest state to allow assisted suicide, ore. and washington state permit doctors to prescribe lethal medication
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to terminally ill patients who want to die. vermont will be the fourth state to pass the law permits legislature. the vermont house approved the aging and dying bill that goes to the state governor who supports the measure. those are your headlines. i am patty ann brown, back to dig in and connell. dagen: it is time -- connell: to make some money. dagen: with charles dean. charles: this is a game we play. connell: charles is here to talk about why we are confused about wall street ratings. charles: a lot of people watching this show, it is hard to be an investor when i am going to see what wall street thinks about this and they all have these weird different opinions. a great illustration of that happened today. a company called black hawks spun off from safeway, prepaid cards, this was their first earnings report since going ipo. it peaked around $27 after the ipo, a hot ipo cannot at 23, less of a was 20.
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and listen to all the different ratings and targets this morning on this. this is amazing, deutsche bank and goldman, 29, 28, somewhat reasonable. piper jaffray overweighed $27.50. it is the market performance, 25 recently unchanged. are they saying the overall market will go sideways from here on out or just the fact that read the cards will go sideways? bank of america is neutral which means the worst rating on their but higher target which says market reforms, and markets keep going and this won't go up and we see where the confusion comes in as an investor. what do i do? this is why people panic and get nervous. i have been talking about this for a while but they are afraid of their own shadows and come up with these weird -- everyone has
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differences of opinion. the targets and ratings are always so weird to me. connell: professor can, as usual. charles: rather than just rent. the more important thing is stay tuned. a lot of these analysts are afraid for their jobs and playing it close to their best. dagen: you like white board. dagen: the latest on the irs scandal coming up and why that is one of a number of worries weighing on white house press secretary jay carney. connell: the high-cost of preventive medicine. angelina jolie in the news today, the story coming up, why women have to shoulder the costs themselves if they want to follow her lead. we will get into all that and over 100 stocks in new highs on the s&p 500. we picked out a few and here they are. we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker anhad them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is thefficial retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ over any other carrier? many choose us because we have the largest 4glte network. others, because of our reputation for reliability. or maybe it's because we've received jd power and associates' customerervice award 4x in a row.
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in the end, there are countless reasons. but one choice.
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connell: that can't markets now for stocks now and nicole, this time nokia. nicole: you can see it is down 6% but it was jumping yesterday because this is on the news, bought on the rumor, sell on the news and we found out about the new phone so let me tell you about it. they unveiled a later phone, metal phone, they are saying is like the phone on a diet because it fits inside the iphone case. it is aluminum, lighter weight, it is metal, the latest thome which is supposed to help with their bottom line ultimately, the windows phone hopes to reverse the dramatic job in revenue, losses over the last
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two years. look at the long-term chart, this is a $42 stock, the markets have recovered and so many stocks have recovered and some hitting all-time new highs, did not recover to those levels we saw in 2007 so we will see what happens but this is the latest and greatest from nokia. dagen: congressional hearings targeting conservative groups scheduled for this friday. lawmakers looking for answers. connell: rich edson, what is the latest? >> officials failed to mention the targeting of conservative groups to capitol hill congressional aides say they have known for a year including then deputy commissioner and current acting commissioner steven miller. these responded in usa today saying mistakes were made but they were in no way due to political or partisan motivation. we are and will continue to be dedicated to reviewing all
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applications for tax-exempt status in an impartial manner. on friday the irs blame the officials in the cincinnati office for targeting conservative groups applications for tax exemption. since then investigators say irs leadership in washington has known for some time, treasury inspector general timeline released by a senate republican show's officials began searching for tea party groups in march of 2010, a month later managers there and washington began issuing reports and in august the irs instructed its agents to identify tea party applications. in june of 2011. the director of exam organizations attended the briefing where officials discuss their targeting of conservative groups. less than six months later the irs was targeting a larger group of conservative organizations and in march of last year than commissioner doug schulman testified the irs was not targeting conservative groups. two month later he and miller were briefed about officials
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singling out those conservative groups and republican lawmakers say the irs has failed to divulge details until now. back to you. connell: thank you. we have this irs investigation, a p phone records scandal, we talk about benghazi and the headlines of one of the most undesirable jobs right now very well may be jay carney's, the white house press secretary, trench duffy and talk about that, he was former deputy press secretary for president george w. bush. i don't think you would want to be jay carney if you had to pick a job in america. >> you certainly wouldn't want to be. it is called the toughest job in washington because of days like today. a flight jacket is passed out for white house press secretaries to white house press secretary that hangs in his office and he might need that today because it will be a tough day in the briefing room. connell: what is the key to handle that or before i get to that let me backtrack to friday when he had a tough day in the same white house briefing room you are referring to and is there anything you could pick out that this should have been handled better in terms of how he has done so far? >> there's only so much he can
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do. he has given what he can say from above and is trying to do the best he can. what surprises me is what happened yesterday when president obama and prime minister cameron went well for the cameras and the white house press corps. what typically happens is the president and a visiting heads of state are asked two questions of peace by the white house press corps and the visiting press corps. yesterday for some reason, the president took only one question and that is going to backfire because it makes the white house press corps more hostile. they broke from precedent. i don't understand why they're taking a bad situation and making it worse by making the white house press corps even more hostile, more suspicious and doing it in that way. i think for whatever reason mr. jay carney's job will be harder today than it would under normal circumstances. connell: the reporter did get up to ask the questions, squeezed in two subjects in one question knowing you are only going to be allowed to have one. what do you do? they you get the president and
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roll out a 60 minutes peace with steve cropper so many times or the president come into the green room and take questions himself on these issues where he is subject to being there for an extended period of time and taking all the questions? what is the strategy if carney has a difficult time it in terms figure out wherebeing there? the story is going and get some answers. the problem is they don't have information control. whenever you are in a crisis you need information control because what your reporter mentioned was right. all the conflict and coming out about we heard this win. this is actually incorrect, this is incorrect. the problem is they don't have information control. it is not controlling the flow of information and that makes it more damaging. what jay carney has to do is take the slings and arrows and where the black jacket and behind-the-scenes try to get to the bottom of this. connell: a sense that the white house, the president's tone and demeanor purposely playing up or
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adding importance to this irs story, we know it is important and at the same time trying to play down and take away from the benghazi story and say this ira story is a real big story, could be a scandal, we are on top of it, benghazi is nothing. get a sense of doing that on purpose? >> they're trying to separate the two. benghazi, blaming a on politics and trying to damage secretary clinton's chances for 2016. the irs is a given situation and they did the outrage over that the don't want to the outrage over been gauzy. they're trying to separate the two. the problem is what the viewer sees is a big mess at the white house which is not what you want right now especially after having good numbers on jobs. connell: and nobody talking about that. dagen: rich edson may be thought he was getting away with me rubbing and that defeat of the capital's last night but he is so sore he had to run off camera because they got spankee and then some.
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connell: i am sure he is very disappointed. dagen: a won't let me say anything but i had to get in there. connell: and that is something. dagen: we are going to talk about this angelina jolie disclosure in the new york times today, preventative medicine and the costs of doing and taking this bold step that angelina jolie did. connell: another big media story, fox bringing back the big time drama series 24 which was so popular for years and years. same old jack power. from jack power to treasury yields. we will be right back. ♪ [ cows moo ] [ sizzling ] more rain... [ thunder rumbles ] ♪ [ male announcer ] when the world moves... futures move first. learn futures from experienced pros
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diane: i am diane macedo. amazon employees in germany saving their first strike ever in addition over wages. the union is demanding 9,000 workers in a country be paid an industry-wide salary standard, worse than amazon's the scale. the retailer says it has eight for foeman centers in germany. as of right now doesn't expect special deliveries to be affected. goldman sachs is raising yahoo!'s price target for $30 and assuming the search engine's by writing. goldman says the increase is a because it double the estimated value of all the bobble of to $70 billion accounting for the affiliation of yahoo! and
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drivers are taking more of a hit at the pump. according to aaa the national average for a gallon of regular is $3.50. that is up $0.06 in the past week. that is the latest from fox business the power to prosper.
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dagen: angelina jolie revealing in a new york times op-ed decision to undergo a double mastectomy, a preventive measure after she did genetic test that revealed she had an 87% chance of developing breast cancer. the national cancer institute says one in tweet american women, roughly 12% will develop some form of breast cancer. the director of women's imaging at brookand memorial hospital, what comes out of this disclosure? incredibly high profile woman taking a very drastic dramatics that? >> she sure has, she's a very brave woman and i applaud her efforts. not only to take care of herself
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and her family but to tell other women her story. dagen: how many other women do you see opting for this genetic test? how much -- anecdotally do you see that number increase in recent years? >> we have also once you get genetically tested and you test positive for the gene, your options are few. taken off like what angelina jolie did which is a double mastectomy or goal of the more people vigilant route -- radiological and clinical examinations and mris and mammograms so not many women get jean tested but once you do test positive your options are few. dagen: you're in the analysis with the mris, mammograms, how often are we talking about if you do test positive for this
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gene? >> we like to think of surveillance on a biannual basis. if you do a mammogram in january we recommend you do a breast am are i in june so you are covered. dagen: do you take the two roots, the government sector with potential reconstruction and then the aggressive analysis or radiological and sonograms, how much of the cost of these different things will insurance cover? start with a double mastectomy, will insurance coverage? >> preventative care such as this double mastectomy or even jean testing, and not mandated to cover any insurance company at this point, and if you were
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to prevent breast cancer you are increasing their risk less than 5% during this procedure, probably although we don't think in financial terms, financially, is better because -- developing breast cancer and all the costs attached to that diagnosis once the diagnosis is made so we think about an individual's health and welfare and that is paramount that you asked a question about finance and preventive care, it is hard to justify the money upfront but probably in the long term makes good sense. dagen: is impossible to put cost on life. your children and grandchildren and all your family members. incredible dramatic stuff. hopefully women will go get tested for the gene. if doctors think they are candidates for it. thank you very much, be well.
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connell: stocks now, we want to call on that, the hedge fund managers calling for a big shake-up at sony, and bring martin in down there on the floor of the stock exchange. the idea -- and what effect does it have on sony itself? >> and ripped this morning on reports that daniel low was hedge fund there point, and opposite ipo. when you have the entertainment makes it difficult to ss it concentrate on one certain sector. activists in the past for reform in japan this type of thing has been unsuccessful.
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and willing to focus on and in the future and as of now the shares are trading up on average volume, not a huge move on early trading. connell: tough to communicate sometimes but the head of sony, good to see you again. dagen: the nation's four biggest cellphone carriers coming together to add a gun at -- advertise against texting while driving, sprint, verizon and t mobile joined by 200 organizations backing the multimillion-dollar advertising campaign. the company's united behind at&t's it can wait slogan and tv and radio ads such to air this summer. here's a look at the shares of those companies. connell: we have to talk about jack bauer. we are going to do that and we will with dennis kneale coming. a lot of people happy about it, 24 fans, it is coming back. there he is, there is the show and we will talk about that. dagen: here are today's winners
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on the nasdaq. all stations come over to mission a for a final go. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. rify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers.
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dagen: he has arrived, jack bauer, they're bringing back the hit drama 24 for ltd. 12 episode run in the spring of 2014. connell: dennis kneale is here and alive with more on this story, jack is back. >> they resort to all sorts of new approaches to get viewers, 24, live another day is going to live another day. 12 episodes. the original series, seasons, 24 episodes per season, more than
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the usual run, each hour was an hour in the real time clock of jack hour's life trying to save america. i don't know what they will do with one hour is the real our format in a 12 hour series. we will see. keith fergus other than saying on the cut back, quote, to have a chance to reignite with the characters jack bowers like finding a lost friend. my goal is to knock your socks off and torture a few suspects along the way. the show came out two months after the 9/11 attacks, lasted 196 episodes, ended may of 2010 and won a golden globe and dan and me. complaints about depictions of muslims and glorification of torture which seem a little more quaint in this world. why now? one reason, homeland. the extraordinary success of a series that invites be. viewing, it was there because of 24.
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the executive producer spreading homeland coming with the original guys on 24 to revive 24 this month. dagen: soaker coo for cocoa puffs, bringing 24 back seems logical. >> this rob: movie. when fox realize we need some special events short runs the for america's attention deficit disorder population and we could never fit 24 into a single two hour movie, let's make it into the 12 episodes special run. almost nothing to lose. you can afford to kill off favorite characters or do all kinds of things. i am a real fan of that show. 24 was the first to encourage binge viewing. instead of appointment television every week, to buy the entire package and watch it in an entire weekend and homeland is very much a binge viewing show as well. dagen: i watched the first season on itunes and bought the whole thing.
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i watched it on pay-per-view. dennis: never saw homeland on showtime, watch it on demand, episode after a visit in these large blocks. that is something we can do more to mind and their increasingly willing to let their shows run anywhere all the time. that helps with this hole -- dagen: who do plus you can get it. >> live on any laptop or ipad. dennis: much more coming. connell: dennis is a big "imus in the morning" fan. the imus radiothon for the imus radio kids for cancer continues one more day tomorrow and we will be there tomorrow. you can keep your donations coming throughout the day watching this throughout the morning, the phone number 888-284-imus or go to and keep the donations coming throughout the day and we will continue with the radiosonde tomorrow. the check the imus cattle ranch kids for cancer.
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connell: you will your business be targeted next? concerns after the associated press phone records received and the irs apparently targeted the tea party. all-star panel ahead. dagen: do you need me to say that slowly? clusters in the industry, cheryl and that is that a company official who is concerned about the rising price of sugar and the impact on making those chocolate treats. markets now. straight ahead. orvi...amelia...ur...
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neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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♪ dennis: stocks up, spirits up, i am dennis kneale. cheryl: i am cheryl casone. will your business be targeted next? the obama administration tries to dig itself out. we will have an all-star panel coming out for you.
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dennis: it is tuesday. the best day of the week, at least for markets. we have a guess that says whichever way today goes -- cheryl: the dow up 84 points. bloomberg editor under fire. the company is trying to dig out after it's journalist snooped on its own client. we have elizabeth macdonald investigating that story for us. we have stocks now and every 15 minutes. nicole petallides. another job for the market. nicole: that is right. we are seeing these new record highs. it goes right in mind what we have been seeing this 2013. the dow traded as high as 15,181. obviously, you are seeing that we are holding the games.
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the s&p and nasdaq setting some new record highs. the dow components are looking good. you have a lot of winners on wall street. certainly, a bunch of different groups doing very well. cheryl: thank you very much. we will see you and 14 minutes. the associated press calling the justice department's efforts to get the phone records unprecedented. peter barnes is standing by in washington. peter: that is right. congress looks like it will get into the action on this story. attorney general eric holder is scheduled to hold a press conference about an hour from now. we may hear about this. he is scheduled to testify
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tomorrow on general law enforcement issues. now, members will most likely question him on the aps announcement yesterday. >> this sounds very suspicious. >> we will follow you and if you talk to a reporter, we will know about it. some house republicans are talking about a formal investigation that could be launched. the government seized records for more than 20 separate telephone lines assigned to the ap and its journalists and april and may of last year. the justice department has not said what they were searching
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for. cheryl: peter barnes. thank you. we will hear from jay carney at the white house. peter, thank you very much. dennis: the justice department gets back door efforts. the white house refuses to unveil e-mails. is this the imperial presidency? let's talk fallout with bruce becker-- you are deep inside the beltway, how bad is this right now for the obama administration and is the president in danger of losing his entire second term?
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>> the press corps usually follows. in many cases, these most recent aalegations and accusations have to do with the press. the ap was looking into the phone records on benghazi, for example, the white house press corps feels like they were like two. in a couple of these cases, it is the press corps themselves that is the subject or, recipient of these problems. they will be less compliant and following the agenda that the president wants to set because of this. dennis: okay. when you go out there, has the obama administration done this before? >> yes.
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so, arguably has the bush administration. a report just came out last year and said "the fbi violated its own policies and tens of thousands of cases of obtaining phone recoods. this is more the same thing. dennis: it sure is. talk about it from the business side. should business fear it could do the same to them. >> you will have a season of scandals and investigations. i think that has a chilling effect on the economy. one of the concerns for businesses, obviously, is government overreaching and having access to files for whatever purpose that they use. this is an age-old political concern.
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it dates back to mlk being in this. i think these are all concerns that have a chilling effect, if you will. dennis: bruce, is this, so far mainly partisan politics? >> democrats are definitely jumping on this. this will diverge attention. it is the president's critics up on capitol hill something to seize on. that is something that a member of congress told me this morning. they now have something to focus on. the one thing that i would differ from your guess is that sometimes business likes the attention going elsewhere. a lot of what the business community's interest on things going on in washington is from a defensive posture and to try to win with the damage of some of the legislation that is out there. they may like having the
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attention elsewhere so they can kind of quietly work on some of the issues that they want to work on. dennis: greg, this does not have to be all-consuming for this presidency. >> they cannot help themselves, according to a federal judge he said something interesting he said that their behavior is chronic and they cannot help themselves. this is just like an gosling he said. the ap story is needed the narrative that the president has been trying to sell. that is, i have defeated al qaeda. al qaeda is on its way out. this whole associated press story that they are now trying to get to the bottom of, the doj is, is just like benghazi. this subpoena is way overbroad
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and it is illegal. dennis: dylan, one last question here. the president did not find out about any of this until friday. the sr. people of the irs knew about this a year ago. jeanette they have known about this long ago. >> i used to have the privilege of being in that spot at the white house. i think it is very odd that the president or people close to the president did not know about this. i think that this further erode the confidence that people have in our government. especially when you think about the fact that the government is about to implement this new entitlement in terms of obamacare. in terms of confidence in the government's ability to get things right and to orchestrate things, this has to be a very chilling -- dennis: it is taking ablow.
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dennis: jay carney addresses all of these issues and more. it will be a tough day for jay. cheryl: did you know, this is january 18, they have seen 17 straight weeks of wins on tuesdays. this is the best since 1968. i do not know if you are superstitious or if you like to play the game of what they are of the week it is, but there is something here. >> yes, i guess that there is something here. i do not put anything into this weekly. it is just statistics, i myself believe that it is just
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coincidental. you have a one in five chance. >> this market has been going on for almost four years now. we have had a lot of winning streaks the last four years. that is a good thing and if tuesday happens to be the best day so far this year, so be it. cheryl: we are going to be getting some consumer confidence out of the end of the week. i have seen some consumer polling that maybe we are a little concerned. what you say? >> you know, i would debate you on that a little bit. the consumer has stayed remarkably strong. just today, we had new data coming out that chose the consumers that level has decreased even more.
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we have a confident consumers who has more discretionary income to spend. that is really good for the markets. cheryl: i am concerned what it will say this week. they have been popping up, interest rates are incredibly low. there has now been more discussion that the fed could actually be starting to pull away from his $85 billion bond buying. what happens? >> i think the fed has been pretty steadfast in their communication. they will continue with stimulus. i do not see either level being reached or anywhere close to being reached. i would expect the fed to continue with stimulus until the end of 2013. next year, we will see how it looks. for now, i think the course is set and it will remain the same.
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cheryl: the "wall street journal" talking about the summer. youudo have a couple pics and technology. cognizant is one. actually, i am surprised this stock is down 14% year to date. you are picking it and i am curious why. >> their fundamentals have been great. the company grows at mid to high single digits on both the top and bottom line. they provide invaluable services to corporations around the globe. there is immigration reform and a bill going on that is in its very early stages. i think the whole thing is overblown. i think the bill will not be as restricted as people think. cheryl: we will see without one. we will talk about it next time.
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thank you very much. happy tuesday. dennis: 24 is back. that is one of the big headlines. fox bringing back the big money franchise. cheryl: that was such a great show. plus, tough choices. angelina's decision and who should follow her lead. we will talk about hollywood's reaction to her big news coming up in the west coast minute. we will take a look at the oil contract. north america is the place to be. oil is down. we will be right back. though local we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known seone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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[ whirring ] [ dog bas ] i want to treat mo dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to bilepps, sma business solutionfromt&t have the security you need to get you there. call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪
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♪ cheryl: you cannot move away from the television because during the commercial break, we
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had a new session highs for the dive. bank of america. can you go to an energy name like chevron. this is not an oil price story. intel and united health, those are dragging us down. overall, up 96 points right now. we are also covering some breaking news. nicole petallides will come in from the floor of the new york stock exchange. this is a big change for them. nicole: i will just tell you about what we are hearing from dell. they are updating their conference call. we will be finding out the quarter results on dell. obviously, a big deal. we know that dell has been in the headlines.
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they have a long way to go, obviously in their move. they are down about a half of a percent on the street. the bottom line may be below expectations. on the contrary, it may be a tough one. we will watch for it on thursday and we will have you covered on the fox business network. back to you. dennis: thank you, nicole. cheryl: that is called a professional at thh new york stock exchange. that is good stuff. dennis: it is time to make some money with charles payne this hour. charles: this is an amazing stock. it has been all over the place in recent years.
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they have a whole bunch of the idea is to monetize this thing. i think they will really start. they had a new ceo last august. i think they turned it around. they beat the street four quarters in a row. i kind of like this one. when it gets going, it will be huge. dennis: a media company cannot rise unless the economy rises. you are betting here that the chinese slowdown, pretty much oversold or it is done. charles: i think it is overdone and i think we are too focused on it. we should be worried about our own economy. >> either way, talking about growth, though, this particular growth is different.
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advertisers would kill for that. i think this stock will be a gigantic winner. cheryl: charles payne, thank you very much. editor and chief of bloomberg is in the spotlight again today. the company is actually snooping on them. big names are worried. elizabeth macdonald is investigating. we have your fox news minute just ahead. ♪
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♪ >> 24 minutes past the hour. i have your fox news minute. moscow officials detained a u.s. diplomat. they accused him for working for the cia. russian officials claimed they caught him trying to recruit a russian agent. no comments yet from the u.s. embassy. vermont is set to allow assisted suicide. vermont would be the first day to pass the law through its legislature. there vermont house approves the aid in dying bill.
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in new jersey, britain's prince harry joined governor chris christie. to survey the damage. those are your headlines. i am patty ann brown. now back to cheryl and dennis. dennis: thank you. company trying to recover from the scandal. cheryl: elizabeth macdonald is on set with us. she joins us now for the bottom line. these terminals are on every trader's desk. they are very commonplace. those at home are worried that there could be more snooping on. liz: that is right, cheryl. the bank of japan is questioning the use of information that is posted on the bloomberg
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terminals. the potential snooping by bloomberg reporters. also the ecb and central bank of germany weighing in on this. the latest chapter unfolding problems has to do with 10,000 messages between traders and clients dumped onto the internet accident late by a former worker at bloomberg. the user identified traders e-mail addresses. confidential price info and trading activity. let's take a look at what bloomberg is saying about the latest chapter. if this report is true. these types of messages only would have been collected and cooperation with the clients. the spokes person says they would consider legal action. the issue is, these were
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accidental. i am not kind sure what kind of suit they can take. cheryl: we were showing the video of the bloomberg terminals. any reporter will want, of course, to dig into a bloomberg terminal to get the information. goldman sachs is now looking at a way to do encrypted twitter messaging between goldman sachs messengers. they are so worried about bloomberg they are thinking about getting away from the terminal. liz: i have heard this already also from my sources on wall street. they want their own bond trading platform. they do not want to use the
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bloomberg terminals anymore for messages. the traders do not like it. they do not like having to pay each year to have to use these terminals and then being spied on and having their messages looked at. these messages were accidentally dumped onto the internet and they set out there for several years the five i know that this is a violation, do we yet know that the bloomberg reporters tended stories, that a deal blew up, did anybody get hurt as a result? liz: we do not have any information that anybody got her. jpmorgan chase is saying that they are upset that the london whale trader was trying to be tracked down. cheryl: elizabeth macdonald, think you. she is like an encyclopedia.
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dennis: in moments, we will be live at the white house. jay carney will be addressing the latest controversy. cheryl: as we wait for that. we will talk about google clusters. it is a southern candy, it is actually really good. we have an unofficial coming up that will talk about the price of sugar. also, the irs catching even more heat. rich edson will be joining us. we are standing by for the daily press briefing at the white house. jay carney will be interesting. do not move. ♪ ♪ [ femannouncer ] from more efficient payments. ♪
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[ female announcer ] from meeting customer needs... to mting patient needs... ♪ to wireless is mitless...
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that leaves on the floor of the stock exchange. you well know right now, every 15 minutes we hit you with this stuff but it is a record-setting day on wall street again for the dow and s&p hitting all-time record highs and taking a look at means hitting new highs including google which is pushing the $900 mark, about 8059 was the high of the day, these numbers are ever-changing. sony as we hear about splitting the company, this is the talk today, 2223 fa hi, take two interactive coming up with their numbers and the software company gaining $17.54 and not going to live out tesla, we watch this all the time on "varney and company," stock of the year, over 100% this year.
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dennis: the dallas 86. loving that. cheryl: isn't that pull with the calendar? dennis: it will be up again today. we are moments from a briefing. jay carney is expected to address many of the problems and scandals facing the white house. cheryl: looking at a live picture of jay carney. mets bring in rich edson who is standing by in d.c. with the details. this has got to be one of those days when the white house is sitting in that room trring to decide how to handle a lot of angry reporters with comments, questions about the ap, the irs and benghazi. >> he is scheduled to come out at 12:30 but on friday when this started the press briefing was pushed back a number of times. it is actually a 12:30 start or
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how close we can get to. as for the ap story the department of justice we just learned our fox news producer michael levine saying eric holder has officially recused himself from the a p spying investigation. he will detail that at a press conference at 1:00. from that, michael levine. the previous hearings as far as the irs is concerned lawmakers are asking if the irs was targeting conservative groups. each time the ira still reveal how focused officials were on these groups applying for a tax-exempt status. congressional aides say douglas schulman and deputy commissioner and current acting commissioner steven miller found out about the targeting of conservative groups last may. miller writes the we fix the situation last year and made significant progress in moving the centralized cases through our system to date, have of these cases have been approved or withdrawn and the irs
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devolves its conduct admitting significant details how long officials singled out conservative groups, who knew it and when. republicans are calling for a full investigation. >> in coming days we will learn more and get answers to questions like what the irs deliberately misleading republican senators. was it be training or found in confidence. none of this would have come out of we relied on the administration's home word and republicans hadn't demanded to know the truth. connell: democrats demanding investigations as well including senate finance committee chairman max baucus. the full treasury inspector general report where much of this information comes from is due out this weekend the house ways and means committee holds hearings on friday. back to you. >> these press briefings are
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pretty friendly affairs. we will see it is friendly today. cheryl: there's a lot of discussion in washington about federal issues, the top of the richest hit. at 1:00 eastern on fox business congressman michael turner says discrimination by a irs workers is unacceptable. he will take action. republican from ohio introducing legislation that will significantly increase penalties for all those involved coming up with melissa and glory in the next hour talking about the scandal at the irs. heading into the congressional farm bill debate sugar has come to the forefront, 3% over three years. it is a big commodity for a big money industry and will we see a change in the current sugar program? joining me from national as executive vice president of southern can be treated google cluster lance payne. southerners love your candy but you do not love what you are seeing with sugar prices.
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what can you do about it? >> thanks for having us on to talk about this very important issue for the american taxpayer. it is going to help keep jobs in this country and lower the price of not just candy items produced in america but also other food items such as bread, catch up, barbecue sauce, dried fruits, even juices. cheryl: is different things you want to target. this is from senator jean shekhinah and she wrote an interesting article about the fact that what we are seeing with these prices affecting every commodity and affecting many american consumers and it does affect us, talk about your company. you are a 100-year-old brand. have you been expanding or hiring? has business and affected by what you are seeing with commodity prices? do you have to let go of a few folks? >> sugar being artificially inflated by this provision in the farm bill doesn't help us
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and i have started to see my competitors move their productions to mexico where they are not regulated, just to be more competitive in our own country but overall as americans we are just paying more in general for things with sugar in them because of this artificial price built into sugar. the sugar reform act will allow us to see some relief. not asking for complete obliteration of what has been set forward putter return to some normalcy if you will on this price of sugar. just to frame it up for you, five cents is a rate. we would like to see it come down to $0.18 per pound. cheryl: how concerned are you about mexico? with free trade, we see a lot of, quote, american industries and manufacturing activity down to mexico, that have gone down to mexico, will that continue and will that hurt your
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business? >> it will not hurt our business, and it doesn't help our cause to create more jobs. it is 5,000 farms, 18,000 jobs, the candy manufacturing industry is 2,000 jobs so it is the tail wagging the dog issue, seeing the bunch of privately held farms that are very wealthy sugar farmers. >> on subsidies and farm bill, that will be a fun and interesting debate with other things debating in washington right now. i know a lot about producers, love them. thank you very much. dennis: the return of 24 and jack before. would get the scoop on the new
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fall line up next. cheryl: cooler temperatures in the northeast fuelling in natural gas rally. phil flynn is going to join us in the cme with natural gas and there is the weather for you. [ male announcer] surprise -- you're having triplets. [ babies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial gund. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees. ♪ it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. it's just common sense. always go the extra mile. to treat my low testosterone, i did my research. my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t eatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breascancer.
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women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children shod avoid contact where axiron is applied as uneected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and meditions. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarg or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red bloocell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about e only underarm low t treatment, axiron. tracy: i am tracy byrnes with your fox business brief. optimism among small-business owners it is six month high, the
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national federation of independent business, because businesses expect better conditions over the next six months. teaming up with general motors the place of expanded effort in the cargo van market. the automaker will provide gm versions of its salt and for the u.s. and canada selling the vehicle in the third quarter of next year. the country's four biggest software company said to launch their first joint advertising campaign against texting while driving. it will be because the at&t ad slogan this summer. that is the latest from the fox business network giving you the power to prosper. i'm so glad you called. thank you. we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you.
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in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money and financial information. here's your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] when people talk, great things happen. cheryl: looking at a live picture of the briefing room of
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the white house, waiting on a briefing by press secretary jay carney. we were told it would start 15 minutes ago, no word from the white house, lot of empty seats, we will take the briefing live when it happens. dennis: jack is back. >> start with that, if not successful move to the younger son. >> copies that. >> we are go. dennis: horse sister company fox confirming the smash hit series 24 will return for a shortened 12 episode run taking off in of 2014. this announcement comes as the key the nets unveil their fault line ups, we have ceo jared moses with an assessment is this 24 run limited to only 12 episodes, not a full season creates momentum. this is the stuff the network resorts to.
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>> the have to. if you look at binge the wishes and platform the release is it will be a big deal, major event for fox and kick off their television season. dennis: it will air a year from now in a so it is a midseason type of thing. 24 return might have been inspired by the success of this odum series homeland. >> 24 was the original homeland and homeland was successful because of 24. they will ride the ripple effect and will be the largest release 24 has had in the history of its run. dennis: the executive producer of the homeland going over the original producers to help make this new 24. as a breakout hit for the sitcom, and the standard, the police, the, can't remember one since barney miller. you like michael j. fox. >> i have been watching this trailer day after day and fall off my seat watching dead.
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no one does not like michael j. fox. everyone is rooting for his come back buttthe show is so brilliantly written, will produce, well created will be the number-1 show this year. dennis: he has parkinsons in character and getting back to work. michael j. fox himself is doing that. >> and newsman going back to work, and -- dennis: quick answer. >> even to last year. up on digital. dennis: thanks for being with us. site for the abbreviation. thank you. dagen: daniel loeb calling for electronic entertainment sony to spin off its entertainment unit and move to boost shares by 60%. fox business's adam shapiro following the story. all, i can't see surnamed putting on this one.
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>> they are responding. it is about raising the share value of sony stock. our plan shifts the paradigm and we believe if managed properly did result in a 60% upside the sony share price and that according to their point but sony responded saying as president and ceo, he said repeatedly, entertainment businesses are important contributors to the growth and not for sale and look forward to continuing constructive dialogue with our shareholders as we purchase our strategy. sony entertainment accounts for 40% of the value, some electronics, sony tvs this is the company that brought us -- know someone in the 80s and 90s. they want to get to split these to and increase the share price, sony shares traded up on the nikkei and up 11% on the new york stock exchange.
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cheryl: there is sony at $2 and change. thank you. dennis: mark neumann of gray wolf execution, stocks are rallying today. what happened to sell in mayor, go way? >> we haven't seen it. one thing that is under pressure is commodities, a lot of people wonder whether commodities made their secular tee, the market is up 15% of the material sectors of 6.5%. that is far and away the worst performer of the year end at a detrimental effect to a lot of sectors that have to do with commodities. we seem precious-metals in the green and energy starting to trend down ended is down 16% from this point two years ago. although the market continues to hit new highs that is one sector that has been difficult like catching a falling knife in precious metals stocks. dennis: the market focused on the upside, the dow is 85.
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thank you very much. cheryl: cooler temperatures in the northeast are fuelling natural-gas rally today. let's look at the trading pits of the cme and phil flynn looking at a weather maps and h right now. >> absolutely loving it. the thing they call shoulder season that is supposed to be spring, period of time when it is not too hot or cold, forget about it, there's no spring, we're going from winter to summer almost overnight. with the means is natural gas injection, not going to keep up with average, you're going to fall below average, turning on our heaters in some parts of the country. other parts are ramping up the air conditioners. that means more power usage and natural gas producers can't get a break. supplies the going to get tighter than people think so natural gas back above 4. cheryl: thank you very much, see you tomorrow.
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dennis: the press conference with jay carney, the press conference opposed to start at 12:30 to address the latest charges for the white house, still waiting for it, the delay may be their say and what did they going to stick?
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dennis: still waiting for that briefing by press the kerri jay carney, supposed to start 26 minutes ago. cheryl: time for west coast minute. hollywood will gupta the surprising news that angelina jolie had a double mastectomy earlier this year in a southern california hospital discovering she added 87% chance of contract in not only breast cancer but ovarian cancer. she had a procedure done in
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beverly hills. her father, luminary john foley to. san francisco specific to all of the firms telling back and leasing activity in several bay area developers at about 6.5 billion square feet of office space in the city and silicon valley. 26 project are under way and. companies like apple, google and sell point have been expanding the demand according to real-estate firms is beginning to slow. here are the big technology names, apple, google, all from headquartered in san francisco. las vegas topped the 100 degree mark making it the first place in the country to do so. national weather service reported a 100 degree level at the las vegas airport yesterday. forecasters say get used to it, it is 100 again today in las vegas. that is your west coast minute. 94, the government seizing
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journalists's phone records and the irs targeting those. sounds familiar to dennis and died. legal analyst up next on the end locations for d.c.. dennis: congress and michael turner with what he is doing to stop irs bias. melissa and laurie coming up next.
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are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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the first technology of its kd... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers.
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dennis: is like. i'm a right here at the white house. jay carney ready to meet the associated press. cheryl: briefing benghazi. allegations that the irs was spying on conservative groups. you now have the ap story. all of that will be an issue. certainly, jay carney will have a busy briefing. we now handed off to melissa
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francis and lori rothman for a busy hour. lori: angelina jolie knocking white house off the top fold. we are going to keep an eye for the start of that press conference and go to it live as soon as it begins. i am lori rothman. melissa: i am melissa francis. lori: the irs catching the same amount of heat after documents show the chief knew about the agencies targeting tea party groups for about a year now. melissa: the u.s. oil bill leaving opec in the dust. signaling north american oil will signal growth over the next five years.


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